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Injured helping my landlord

Paul (Edmonton )

My landlord asked me to remove and hang 16 sheets of drywall for them for $200(barely got that rate out of them) with them getting the drywall delivered to the basement I said monday he showed up with home depot van and gets me to help unload the drywall. They are 2 sheets together when they come new. I was in the awkward spot stepping off side walk and back on and taking the furthest swing. So mu landlord I'd older and I was doing the bulk and he sat his end down first and then I flipped up into the wall. Well afterwards I was also asked to install 3 locks on the bedroom doors. So I felt a little stiff but thought nothing of it. Well after about an hour my back was starting to hurt. Bit to bad but I definitely pulled something well by the night rolls around I can barely move get out of bed or walk to the bathroom. I get up the next day and I'm in horrible pain can barely walk. I told my landlord they said we will get someone else to do the work and her husband gets on the ph and says his back is fine and I said well mine not and they said I'm lying. Well fast forward today it's still really bad and I'm going to go to the doctor to see what I did to it cause its not getting any better. I am also behind on my rent and I just started a sales job with a comping song roofs its commission based smd I dont get paid till the job is complete which I told them and next friday I will have rent and after that it won't happen again cause the season is just starting and it was my first batch. A salesman can make 200k in a season. Well they went and called my boss and said why dintvu pay your employees what kind of person doesn't pay there workers. They also said they think I'm going to make a false claim about my back. Well my boss was not to happy about being a accused of not paying his employees after I explain next Friday I will have the rent and then I will be on time after that but they choose to call me boss. Well my boss let me go so I dont have a job anymore. And as of right now I can't even work. They laughed at the whole situation when I told then I got fired. What can I do about this

0 12 months ago

Anonymous Lawyer (Edmonton)
   Verified Lawyer

That definitely sounds like a lawsuit against your landlord, for personal injury and maybe interference with contractual relations. I'm not an employment lawyer so I'm not sure if there's also a wrongful termination claim, I seem to recall that in construction no notice is required, but I could be wrong. You'll want to talk to a personal injury lawyer and an employment lawyer. If you contact the lawyers in our directory, they can give you more information about the next steps:

1 12 months ago

Paul (Edmonton )

Thank you for the reply. I'd say my back injury is 80% mobility at the moment. I can't take normal steps when walking and going up stairs I find going up them side ways I dont get sharp pain like when leaning over putting shoes, socks, pants. I find shopping for groceries 2 days ago after about 20 mins of walking around grocery store my back was really hurting and walking was just a shuffle.As for the pain going down my leg my ankle is sore still but that was dam painful for a while. I have to say I'm amazed at how it felt like a little tweak in the beginning to full on could barely make it to the bathroom to it's in my leg also to what I'm still feeling today. I also have to thing about when I'm going to cough that can be a painful encounter. I am definitely very conscious of my movements as not to do something the make it worse again. I am going to see a doctor again to document where I'm at in this. I have requested their insurance provider and if they have a lawyer to be aware I am proceeding with legal action.

In regards to my job ... the job has been recended and with my injury I could not work anyways. I can't rightfully go look or start a job cause no way could I do 20 mins on my feet let alone 8hrs and physical. I would says I'm at least a month away from where I would even risk injuring myself. I must admit back injuries are nothing to take lightly. I have also been issued a eviction notice for May 3/23 for failure to pay rent this month. I also have not recieved a copy of the lease which 21 days after I am in my rights to withhold rent. I did bring this ti their attention a few days after the injury and they haven't done that. My best bet would be ride it out till may3 and if sherriff shows up drop that information and show him the text of me bringing this to them as well and that would make evictions void until I get lease and then start another 14 days.

0 12 months ago

Anonymous Lawyer (Edmonton)
   Verified Lawyer

Because lawyers need sufficient information to be able to provide an opinion, and to be able to ask you questions (which usually means at least a half-hour consultation), the lawyers here can only provide basic information and answer very general questions. Please contact a lawyer directly through the Search to seek assistance with your matter. Thank you for your understanding.

0 12 months ago

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