Ask a Lawyer: Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship

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Dorothy Butt (EDBERG)

Will a POA give me the same rights as an adult Guardianship and Trustee. It is in regards to my 59 yr old brother who has a brain injury as well as early onset of dimentia. He corrently resides in Orion House in Ponoka.

0 5 months ago

Dawn Nelson - Dawn L. Nelson, Barrister & Solicitor (Edmonton)
   Verified Lawyer

Hi Dorothy,

No, a POA does not confer all of the same powers as an Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship order. It will give you some of the same authority as a trusteeship, but may not cover everything. It also does nothing for the guardianship side of the equation. However, if your brother had prepared a Personal Directive (sometimes called a "living will" or "advance directive") then that may cover some of the pieces of an adult guardianship order, but again may not cover everything.

I recommend that you contact a lawyer to discuss your particular circumstances in a confidential environment.

0 5 months ago

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