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Ex coming onto property

Denis Bertrand (Edmonton)

Good day. In regards to child drop offs at house.

Our child is now 12 years old and is fully capable to walking from the sidewalk and into the house. The ex partner tends to cause conflicts at drop off and I see no reason for them to actual come onto my property at drop off? Can the ex be told to not come onto my property and say goodbye from the side walk and allow our child to walk up to the door and them not coming up to the door as well?

0 76 days ago

Anonymous Lawyer (Edmonton)
   Verified Lawyer

I think it depends on the history. For most families it makes sense for a parent to be able to come to the door to pick up their child, because forcing them to stand away could send the wrong signal to the child, and could mean that they couldn't help the child carry things or walk down icy steps for example. But if there's sufficient conflict, then sometimes it does make sense to say that they can't walk onto the property, or maybe even that they have to wait in their car. Or as a starting point, sometimes parents will be prohibited from communicating with each other during exchanges. There isn't a specific law addressing this, it's what a judge would thing is in the best interests of the child.

0 58 days ago

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